Outdoorsy Nursery Scheme
It’s been approximately 143 years since I’ve written a blog.
Ok, not really that long, but it sure feels like it! I’ve done a majority of my broadcasting and project updates on Instagram, so ‘blogging’ felt redundant and tedious. However, I have recently been getting requests for furniture sources in my DMs. So, I have been trying to figure out a way to bring these items to you in an approachable way.
I had to look up my website platform login (seriously, it’s been that long) but it was totally worth it to be able to bring you a SHOPPABLE link to a recent nursery I posted.
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We wanted a soft, ‘outdoorsy’ nursery theme and I think we definitely achieved that. Using mostly neutrals with lots of layered whites, soft grey and warm wood tones accented with a sophisticated green. Graphic art has two benefits – it looks edgy while also attracting baby’s developing mind.
Happy shopping!